Matching Fund Tribute to Uggie

Uggie TributeUggie, the adorable and talented Jack Russell Terrier who achieved Hollywood stardom in the 2011 silent film The Artist, lost his life this past week to a prostate tumor at age 13.

Uggie lived close to a normal life span for a terrier, but unfortunately, many dogs’ lives are cut far too short by cancer.  The Pie Fund’s mission is to help needy families obtain quality treatment to extend their pet’s lives and their time together.

Lynn and Marc Wunderman, founders of the Pie Fund, are offering to match donations made in tribute to Uggie up to $2,000.  It’s a fitting way to remember Uggie and the love and laughter he brought to animal lovers and movie goers everywhere.

Please help support the Pie Fund with a tribute to Uggie.  Uggie’s owner will receive an acknowlegment of each memorial donation and will be grateful for your remembrance.  Donate now at